Central India Kidney Foundation ( CIKF )in collaboration with Indian Medical Association , Academy of Medical Specialities , Nagpur shall be celebrating World Kidney Day on Thursday , 10th March 2011. The program shall be held at Paithankar hall , IMA House , North Ambazari Road between 2.30 pm to 5 pm .
Every year World Kidney Day is celebrated all over the globe with the aim to create awareness about kidney diseases . This year the theme of this day is ‘ Protect your Kidneys , Save your Heart ‘ .
Dr Mrs Buche , eminent physician and cardiologist , Orange City Hospital , shall speak on ‘ Why blood pressure control is so important ? ‘Dr Suryashree Pande , nephrologist , Wockhardt hospital shall deliberate on ‘ Effect of kidney disease on heart ‘ and Dr Monali Sahu , nephrologist , Midas institute shall deliver a talk on ‘ Diabetes and Kidneys ‘ .
Prizes of the drawing competition held by CIKF on 26th January 2011 will be distributed on this occasion . Blood sugar testing and spot urinary microalbumin tests will be done free of charge on this day . There is no entry fee .
Dr Prashant Nikhade ,president IMA , Dr Vandana Khushalani , President CIKF , Dr Sunil Gupta , President AMA-AMS , Dr Nikhil Kibe , hon. secretary CIKF , Dr Sanjay Deotale , hon. secretary IMA , Shri Anil Rathi , vice president CIKF and Dr Shivnarayan Acharya , hon.secretary IMA-AMS have urged the people to take advantage of this program.
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