शनिवार, 18 अक्टूबर 2008

किडनी फाउंडेशन द्वारा महात्मा गाँधी जयंती मनाया गया

On 2nd October 2008 , thursday , CIKF celebrated Mahatma Gandhi's birth day .
A program was organised at heart of the town , Dhantoli , Nagpur . Dr Mrs Sapna Sharma , well known councillor was the guest of honour . She talked on the topic ' Man ki jite jeet hai ' which means , if you wish to win , you should have winning attitude . She stressed on importance of day to dat planning , how to avoid wasting time and well thought strategy to lead a successful life . The program was conducted by Dr Mrs Gira Soni , a well known physician. Shrimati Jayashree Rathi and Shri Shivananda Acharya were felicitated as they shared their birth day with Gandhi.
Dr Mrs vandana Khushalani , president of the foundation welcomed the guests , Shri Anil Rathi talked about the initiatives taken by Central India Kidney Foundation . Dr S.J.Acharya thanked the audience for their participation . Smt Aparna Shankaran , Shri and Smt Madhup Pamdeya , Dr Sunil Gupta , Mrs Kavita Gupta were prominently present in this occasion .

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